Disputes - Change the name or add an option to make the function seem less negative / extreme
How disputes should be used:
The function should be used for disputes as well as for clarification requests and general questions regarding a certain question or section in an evaluation.
The agent can create a dispute without choosing any specific topic (dispute, clarification, general question). After a dispute is received, the evaluator can then change it to a clarification request, if applicable.
Employees are a bit scared to use the feature as they assume it is only for pure disputes. They don't open a dispute for unclear cases (clarification) because they think it would be too big of a deal, even tho the function should be used for all the cases stated above.
Solution ideas:
1. Rename of the function (e.g., Clarification needed, review case, recheck etc.)
2. Give agents the option to choose between dispute and clarification request beforehand

Deniece Burton commented
Totally agree with this suggestion. The whole language used throughout the Disputes section is very negative: dispute, arbitrator, rejected etc.... it creates the impression that the agent need to argue/dispute their score...
I would support a change to a more positive/collaborative use of language such as review or appeal instead of dispute, reviewer instead of arbitrator etc.