Create Calibration Groups
We run weekly calibrations with multiple teams of auditors (sometimes up to 28 people)
Manually adding each participant every week is very time consuming. Is there anyway we could create a calibration group with a set list of participants that we can create a new cali-b for, or an easy way to add participants as I've tested copying and pasting in names as a list and that doesn't work, I have to add them one by one.
As we calibrate with the same groups of people week in and week out, this would be a valuable tool for us across all our sites.

I'm happy to announce that the first version of the calibration lists has been released. You can check more in the following help center article:
Ari from Product Management
Heather Westwood commented
I agree this will be a more efficient use of our time.
Charlene Petrie commented
Some of our teams are quite large and to invite 20+ analysts and team leads to a calibration is quite time consuming, especially on a regular basis, like weekly.
Trisha Jones commented
Create "evaluator groups" so you don't need to manually add evaluators to calibrations every time you create a calibration eval.
Adminariel (Admin, Playvox) commented
My QA team has 6 different scorecards and individual calibration sessions for each scorecard. It would save time and reduce errors if I were able to create distribution lists instead of typing their names out every time.