Remove inactive agents from workload
If the agents are deactivated after the workload runs, the assigned evaluations for the agent still remains in QAs queue. However, QAs cannot evaluate the agent because the agent is inactive.

I'm excited to announce that this feature has been completed and released!
If enabled under the Quality settings, the interactions associated with deactivated agents will be removed from any active workload assignment!
Please let me know what are your thoughts on this new experience and if it aligns with your needs!
Warm regards,
Pauli :)
Melanie Fisher commented
Does this include if the agent may not be technically be deactivated but they moved to a different team.
If we remove them from one team and move them to another completely different team, will they be removed from from the workload?
Christine commented
If an Agent is deactivated during the current or previous week's workload assignments, we want to pull them from the assigned workload to prioritize scoring for active Agents. This would allow the Workload Reports to accurately reflect % of workload completion (by excluding those we're intentionally not evaluating).
Admincharris (Admin, Playvox) commented
Would like to be able to remove a agents from an assigned workload. Currently if agent is assigned in workload for 1 evaluation and that evaluation needs to be skipped in the middle of workload, the workload shows as an error for the analyst and has to manually go evaluate the other interactions outside of the workflow. This also doesnt allow the analyst to remove the agent on a current workflow who may no longer work at the company showing an 'incomplete %' of the workload being done.