35 results found
Exclude Leave in Start Time/End Time Variance Metric Totals
Requesting a metric calculation enhancement to exclude planned leave from the start time variance metric. Currently if an agent is rostered planned leave for the 1st half of the day (8a-12p) and they arrive at 12:07 PM the start time variance appears to reflect 4 hours 7min vs just 7m. This can be difficult to determine which agents violate the internal client tardy policy (ie. 10+ min).
Can we exclude planned leave from this variance?
1 vote -
#Handled Average per day per agent
Performance summary currently provides the metric for totaled handled for the selected period for all the agents. We have a metric for agents of the "Average Handled Per day by agents." Currently, to get this metric, we have to take the total #handled and do manual calculations based on the number of days in the date range and how many agents worked during that period. Even if we run the report for just one day, we still have to divide by the number of agents on the report manually.
1 vote -
Measure occupancy
Nowadays we are considering based on the schedule and as you mentioned, if the agent use more than one window to serve tickets, we will count more time than he/she is really doing.
But I wanted to see the possibility of having occupancy measured in slots, without considering the number of minutes spent on various tickets in the interval, but only the "entry and exit".1 voteThank you for taking the time to bring this feature request to Playvox.
A Product Owner will review the request for potential inclusion within the backlog / roadmap. Updates will be provided as the feature progresses.
The Playvox Team
Search Interactions View in Seconds
Hi, I'd like to make a suggestion;
In the "Search interactions" report, in the date stamp columns (Start time and End time), the time is shown in this format: HH:MM.
We would like to have the view in Seconds, if possible.We would also like to know if it is possible to display the time in seconds in the "Work Effort" column and make it customizable.
We would like the time in the timestamp columns (Start Time and End Time) to be in this format:
At the moment, this is only possible in the individual view of…
1 vote -
Customizeable Thresholds for Metrics
For User Performance Metrics, Late Start and Early Departure, we'd like the ability to set the threshold for what counts as "late" or leaving "early"
1 vote -
New Metric for Utilisation
Current definition for utilisation is: Actual productive duration / actual paid duration. However, a client would like to see an alternative metric for calculating utilisation: total handle time / actual paid tasks
2 votes -
Slack Alert for Specific User Metrics
Create the ability for Slack Alerts to allow Supervisors and Admins to set alerts that produce insights into which agents are below/above certain metric thresholds.
Today, I am an Admin and I cannot create a Slack notification to tell me what users are below 80% Adherence throughout the day.
Attaching support thread where this was discussed.1 vote -
Workstream Resolution Rate
This is an iteration on the recent 'Group the user metrics by workstream' update. I'd like to be able to report on Resolution rate for individual workstreams:
(Workstream resolutions / Time using Worksteam task status)
1 vote -
customize timeframe for agent dashboard metrics
Ability to customize what timeframe is used to calculate agent or team metrics in the My Team Metrics/My Metrics/How are we doing today? sections of the agent dashboard (ie. week to date vs current day)
4 votes -
New area for visibility to view/edit/compare shrinkage at a 15/30 minute interval
Requested by The Farmers Dog 2nd Nov 2023
1 vote -
Possibility of Customizable Metrics in User Performance Metrics
I'd like to have the ability to create custom metrics in reporting using the existing metrics captured through the connector. e.g. phone time + email time = productive time
Example: “# Handled” (Number of Interactions): in this indicator, the tool allows what should or should not be considered as interaction, even making it possible to establish time intervals between actions for this measurement.
Regarding what we consider Operation productivity, we established that only some specific actions are productive, such as Public Responses and/or Internal Transfers to different levels, as long as the interval of each action is greater than 180s.
9 votes -
Total time to resolution
We would like to see Total time to resolution for zendesk tickets .
That is time from creation of ticket to final resolution. Not just handle time.
4 votesDevelopment is in progress, and will be available initially on workstream details and workstream analysis.
Total Time to resolution will be calculated at the time the workstream is closed.
Retroactively make changes to agent workflow
We'd like to be able to make changes to agent ticket data in the case that incorrect data was gathered. For example, if an agent leaves a ticket open for hours beyond when they are done working on it, we'd like to be able to cut that time off or tag it somehow as unproductive.
This issue mainly impacts our occupancy metric, because agents leaving tickets open for extra time can mean everyone has much higher occupancy than is accurate.
2 votes -
Add Email Column Option to User Performance Metrics
Currently email is not a column option for User Performance Metric, which makes it difficult for us to aggregate data between different sources (ZD and PV mainly) where the names might be spelled slightly differently or formatted differently.
3 votesHi,
Thank you for raising this enhancement with us.
I'm excited to let you know that we have planned to deliver this particular request with our upcoming redesign of User Performance Metrics.
In the redesign, details such as a user's email, location, business roles and tags will be visible and filterable within the table.
The redesign is target for release in late Q2 - early Q3,
Add Total Interactions and Interaction Rate as a User Performance metric
Handle Rate is not a static metric as it's based on unique tickets handled in the selected timeframe, so the Handle Rate an agent sees daily on their dashboard will not equal what is reported in our EOW report. This has caused a lot of frustration in our agents' abilities to stay on top of achieving their performance metric goals, since their EOW Handle Rates are typically much lower than what they see daily.
As such, we'd love to see the introduction of Total Interactions (right now only available per workstream) and Interactions Rate, available on the User Performance…
1 vote -
Daily service level view in Rosters
We would like to see the aggregated SLA expectation by day in the Roster views. The coverage table shows it by interval, but we would like to view this by day as well.
1 voteThank you for taking the time to bring this feature request to Playvox.
A Product Owner will review the request for potential inclusion within the backlog / roadmap. Updates will be provided as the feature progresses.
The Playvox Team
Track Time to Subsequent Reply Metric
I need to be able to track reply time for subsequent responses, and not just first reply.
For each workstream, and at an aggregate level I would like to be able to see:
Average Time to First Reply
Average Time to Subsequent Reply
Average Time to reply (average response time regardless of first or subsequent response)This information should be available in Workstream Details, Workstream Summary, and Daily Performance Report.
2 votes -
Add leniency rules to Punctuality
It would be nice to be able to configure a leniency period for punctuality metrics, so that I can specify that metrics such as Late start only count when an agent is x amount of minutes late, or if an Early finish counts if an agent leaves x amount of minutes early.
Current leniency rules in Playvox WFM only work with Adherence metrics.
4 votes -
Capture browse metrics for cherry picking reporting (Zendesk).
Would like to see not only numbers of tickets skipped (Zendesk Play / Guided Mode) but also see the # of tickets that were opened and not updated (i.e, tracking selective picking of tickets).
1 vote -
Capture Busy / Working time as well as current occupancy
As well as capturing the current handle time, which allows for concurrent handle time (and especially for tickets may be valid behaviour), it would be useful to capture the time that is busy time - ie the time that someone is working, regardless of the concurrency.
This would allow the distinction of time spent not busy, regardless of concurrency.
1 vote
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