Tasks marked as equivalent for adherence update to match the scheduled task on Work Summary / Performance Summary
This feature would have multiple impact areas.
It's intended goal is allow agents to see a simplified agent status list, while also allowing customer to configure more granular level tasks to track queue and agent behaviour.
I want to be able to choose if I want to use this feature or not,
Task Configuration
-- I can configure a 'Display' task. This means the task will be visible to agents in the Zendesk connector under a display name.
-- I can add tasks as equivalent for adherence to tasks with a 'Display' configured
Zendesk Connector
-- Agents see the configured 'Display' tasks in their list of available status'
Work Summary / Performance Summary
-- If an agent selects a task that is equivalent for adherence to their scheduled task, their current task must be converted to their scheduled task in the Work Summary and Performance Summary view. Their actual time must also be recorded under the converted task.