Add schedule for single agent to roster
Sometimes agents are wrongly not included in schedules (incorrect config, wrongly added end date) and so schedules need to be added back for them after rosters have been published. With hundreds of agents, this process can be very time consuming. The only way for automated schedules to be created for them would be to regenerate the roster, which would mess up schedules and data for all of the other agents.
It would be hugely useful to be able to select agent(s) and click a button that auto-generates schedules onto an existing roster for the selected users. This would solve a large pain point in schedule creation.

This item has been completed and the Uservoice story has been delievered
The ability to add new agents to a roster has been added to the roster listing page. From here you may select a roster and 'Add New Agents to Roster'
Further details can be found in the following help article
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