Simplify Help Center log in and open to all users
I am often getting questions about how to log in to the Help Center.The log in process to the Help Center is not intuitive, requiring copy pasting the WFM URL (even if the user comes from Playvox by clicking on Help), then clicking on Log in with SSO (even if the user is already logged in to Playvox).
The process id described here:
At least for users already logged in to Playvox, they should just click on Help and be taken to the Help Center, without additional login.
Another issue is that not all users have access to the Help Center, and there is no control for admins over who has or does not have access. This may date back to the Zendesk days, but if the Help Center is truly SSO, this should not be the case.
Sharing articles is pointless, as most people either do not have access or cannot figure out how to log in. And to see how to log in, you have to log in first...