Roster Publication - Lock feature
Would love to see a feature that puts some security steps in place that prevents the accidental publication of a roster.
We will quite often generate a batch of rosters going out into the future and will need to work on these prior to publication to ensure all lines of rotation any manual adjustments are finalised.
As the process of publishing a roster is a second nature piece for us, it sometimes happens that we publish a roster ahead of time and without manual changes being completed. We then need to delete a roster (as it's incorrect) and start the process over again.
With this in mind, we would love to see some kind of security steps put in place to prevent the accidental publication of a roster.
The system would recognise that it is unpublished and then ask us for confirmation that we are about to publish a roster for the first time and whether all checks/tasks have been completed.

Thank you for taking the time to bring this feature request to Playvox.
A Product Owner will review the request for potential inclusion within the backlog / roadmap. Updates will be provided as the feature progresses.
The Playvox Team