Annual Leave Threshold
Within our organisation, the normal process to adhere to if an individual is to request a period of Annual Leave in excess of 2 weeks is that they need to get approval from an Ops Manager.
However we have noticed a number of instances where individuals have requested AL above and beyond a 14day stretch which would then auto approve and plan it into roster without getting prior authorisation.
As a feature request, could something be built which would automatically put any request above any given threshold into pending approval. This would allow us to carry out due diligence checks and see if auth has been granted before having the leave granted.
As an addition to this, if an agent already has 1 week of leave planned in for example and then wanted to bolt on a further extended period to this, then again as it would exceed the 14day threshold, this would also fall into the pending approval pot.
Thank you for taking the time to bring this feature request to Playvox.
A Product Owner will review the request for potential inclusion within the backlog / roadmap. Updates will be provided as the feature progresses.
The Playvox Team