Allow flexibility in submitting Partial PTO outside of timeoff configs if a schedule has not been generated.
Currently, If agent has a regular shift scheduled/roster has been generated, because the agent's shift is created according to availabilities which are usually longer than timeoff config (to account for lunch breaks), PTO can be applied over the shift, surpassing the usual end time dictated by timeoff configs.
The issue is - If agent does not have any regular shifts scheduled/roster has not been generated, the leave shift can only be created within the bounds of the times specified in the agents timeoff configs.
Any agents who do not have a regular shift scheduled for the day, but take partial PTO - their leave is being created according to timeoff configs. This is causing a scenario where the hours being sent to workday are reduced to fit within timeoff configs, causing a reduction in hours sent to the HRIS connector, affecting an agent's paid hours.
There needs to be a solution developed to allow/account for flexibility when adding partial PTO for an agent, where a schedule has not yet been generated.

We are pleased to share that this request has been released.
Thanks for your suggestion and continuous partnership.
Kind regards,