Allow Capacity Planner to Calculate Coverage Based Upon 1/2 Hour Schedule Intervals
Right now, the capacity planner determines the available FTEs at a given interval based upon agents having schedules that align with whole hours. If you have an agent that starts at 7:30, it will "round" this interval so that half the days, the agent is covering the 7-8 interval and half the days, they are not. As such, this skews the numbers slightly in a monthly cap plan.
However, if the cap planner ever works on a daily or weekly basis, or if you download information in order to do a daily or weekly analysis, this skews the numbers significantly.
Can we have the cap planner calculate coverages based upon 1/2 hour intervals?
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for taking the time to share this feedback. While we can't guarantee immediate implementation, we will certainly consider your feedback as we continue working on future updates.
Thanks again for being an active part of our community. Your insights are invaluable to us!
Kind regards,